Whether you followed a link or randomly surfed onto this tiny domain of mine on the world wide web, I'm happy to say "Khush Amdeed', Welcome!
I'm building this site to not only create a virtual gallery of my photographs , but to translate this hobby of mine into an instrument of funding for my adopted charity projects of Girl's education and medical relief missions in impoverished regions of Pakistan . Please click on the "School Project" button to see the details and get updates.
Please use the "Contact" form on the home page or the email buttons to inquire about or order any photo you like but don't see in the shop.
I am also working on a cookbook which is currently being "field tested" for the recipes. Look for updates on that front by clicking on the "Cook Book" button under the "More" tab.

Interviews with a local radio station in Portland, Maine, about my views on various topics and my charity missions. ( Interviews Conducted 2016 & 2017. )

Follow Up Interview in 2017.
Media Reports

Media Coverage of my fundraising photography exhibition sale at Miles Memorial Gallery, last year. Gratefully we were able to raise enough to add a fully equipped computer lab to the girl's school. (Please click on the 'School project' to see more details".

For a feature article on my introducing a new surgical technique in our hospital, please click on the link below.
In 2005-2006 we were able to contribute in helping Pakistan in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake. Please click on the links below to read about those efforts.

WGME Interview 1. (2005)
WGME Interview2.(2005)
Report To The Community.(Lincoln Theater, Damariscotta. Dec.2005)
Slide Show & Talk
Q & A

Fundraising Talk at The Lincoln Academy.
We raised enough from our generous community to rebuild a flood devastated village.
In collaboration with Miles Memorial Hospital, Damariscotta, We were able to collect and buy much needed medical and surgical equipment for a charity Eye hospital in Pakistan.
Sammy, my son, helped me in the packing and shipping process.